SHACMAN and Foton Trucks are Highly Recognized in Jamaica

March 06,2020

[Message from Jamaica, by]... As you know, is a leading trucking resource for those customers looking for Chinese brand trucks and parts. It comprehensively covers the industry with breaking news, topics, technology updates, buyer's guide, and commercial show reports from both Chinese trucking industry and around the world.

SHACMAN and Foton User from Jamaica to Purchase JAC Trucks
On March 2, We were honored to hear from a Jamaican customer. Their company is located in Kingston, specializes in heavy specialized transports and shipping container haulage. Currently they are operating 7 SHACMAN trucks in their fleet, so far their performanc is very good. Last month, they have just placed an order for 4 Foton Auman GTL 2012 trucks for company use and to be shipped in soon.

According to the customer, SHACMAN trucks are doing better than the American trucks in a lot of cases like in fuel consumption and their ratio which gives them a better pulling power with specific loads even when compared to the American trucks. Some of Chinese trucks are very similar to the American Prostar that they already own and operate and they would rather like to purchase new conventional trucks from China instead of buying them second hand in the US.

In the future, we believe Foton and SHACMAN will continue to optimize the product structure and develop more personalized products to meet the needs of the market and to establish a good image of Chinese brand trucks. would like to follow up and assist if needed and provide you with any update of their opeartion in overseas market.

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