Sales volume of JMC Auto in August is 15,600
September 06,2010
(, Sep 6, 2010) It is disclosed by JMC that the production and sales volumes in August on Sep 2th 2010 that sales volume of JMC in August is 15,600, and it has increased 89.28% by same time. Production volume of JMC Auto is 13,700, and it has increased 66.71% by same time.
Sales volume of Ford commercial vehicles has increased 61%, and it has reached 4,603, whereas the production volume is 4,541, which has increased 72.07% by same time. Sales volume of JMC truck is 5,775, and it has increased 89.53% by same time. Production volume of JMC truck is 4,598, and it has increased 26.81% by same time.
It is also disclosed by the statistics that sales volume of JMC auto from January to August in Sep is 117,100, and it has increased 63.98% by same time. Production volume is 112,300, and it has increased 58.03% by same time.
Sakes volume of Ford commercial vehicles is 33,900, and it has increased 68.08% by same time. Accumulated sales volume of JMC truck is 44,700, and it has increased 51.29% by same time. Accumulated production volume is 41,800, and it has increased 40.79% by same time.
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