Commercial Vehicle Market to Embrace Rebound

November 16,2012 Through a year of struggle, the commercial vehicle market is likely to see a rebound. According to the production and sales report released by CAAM, 307,100 commercial vehicles were sold in Oct., a 1.6% growth over Sep. and a 1% growth over last Oct. The average production and sales exceeded that over Sep. and last Oct. Among which, the growth in production and sales of semi-trailer tractors reached 18% and 19% respectively compared with last month. A trend of rebound is seen from the growth.

Dongyang, deputy secretary general of CAAM, said that a total of 301,800 commercial vehicles were sold in Sep., dropped by 7.59% over Aug. Statistics shows that the commercial vehicle market has basically met the bottom, a rebound is expected to begin. Though the market in next year is unlikely to be predicted, the rise will probably remain at a steady range.

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Editor : Daniel

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Tags : Commercial Vehicle Rebound CAAM

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