SINOTRUK: New Growth Points in NG HD Truck and Export

September 03,2013 Learnt from SINOTRUK, its product quality and profits in the first half year are greatly increased despite of a leveling-off sales volume with the same period of last year driven by the upturn of HD truck industry and export markets. From Jan. to Jun., the total profits grow by 27.54% year on year. NG HD trucks and overseas markets become new growth points.

It is said that HD truck market has been in a dump drugged by the slowdown of macro economy, and the sales of the whole industry even drop by approximate 40%. SINOTRUK declines by almost 26% last year. In responding to such an unfavorable situation, SINOTRUK puts much effort in developing the market needed NG engine. NG trucks are preferred by the market due to low emission, environmental protection and high economic efficiency. Over years, the production of NG HD trucks grows fast. In the first half year, the production and sales of SINOTRUCK NG HD trucks reach 2500 units, up b 82.46% year on year. In the meanwhile, LNG HD trucks are exported in a mass, presenting a sound market prospect.

At the same time of product adjustment, SINOTRUK also actively explores overseas market. In June 2013, 300 Euro 5 HD trucks enter Hong Kong market, the first batch of Euro 5 HD trucks produced by mainland manufacturer. Currently, SINOTRUK has basically covered all developing countries and gained an export capacity of 30,000 units. In the first half year, despite of depressed HD truck market, SINOTRUK remains to witness a distinctive performance in overseas market and awarded with orders totaling 14,000 units.

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Editor : Evelyn

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Tags : SINOTRUK HD truck LNG

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