Allison Transmission: Driver satisfaction and reliability in Sweden

November 27,2014 Drottningholms Entreprenad is a medium-sized haulage contractor that offers transport and contract work in Stockholm, a city with significant traffic congestion. The 10-truck transport fleet includes one Volvo and nine Scanias, seven of which are equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions.

Owner and CEO Peter Faerden said Drottningholms Entreprenad purchased its first Allison-equipped truck nine years ago, and in April 2014, added three new Scania G490 6x2x4 trucks with Allison 4000 SeriesTM fully automatic transmissions.

"We have always been sensitive to our drivers’ wishes, and that's why we wholeheartedly make a bid for Allison transmissions. Taking their needs into consideration has resulted in almost no turnover. Drivers appreciate not having to make manual gear changes, which can affect health and creates risks for vehicle driveline damage,” said Faerden.

When it's time to replace the remaining trucks in the fleet, the new ones are guaranteed to be equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions, according to Faerden. "I see no reason whatsoever to drive in city traffic with any other transmission solution. The higher initial investment is more than offset by driveline longevity, lower maintenance costs and less downtime,” he said.

Allison reliability and dependability are critical factors for work truck fleets to consider. Two of the new trucks are equipped with backward cranes and are used as service trucks to assist with the transport of moulds, pebbles and pipelines to and from work sites.

“We can’t work if the trucks don’t work,” said Faerden, “and I can't think of a single problem with the Allison transmissions over the past nine years we’ve been using them."

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