Tusimple to Bring Autonomous Truck Total to 40 by June 2019

January 08,2019

Based in Beijing and San Diego, California, TuSimple is beating Tesla, Waymo, and other big names in the race for driverless trucks.
Tusimple to Bring Autonomous Truck Total to 40 by June

The prototype autonomous trucks, which Tusimple showed off a year ago at CES 2018, are now operating three to five revenue-generating trucking routes in Arizona. This year, TuSimple will add a route from Arizona to Texas. Thanks to the increasing demand from 12 contracted customers. It plans to bring its autonomous truck total to 40 by June of this year from current 11 trucks.

TuSimple also announced that it is partnering with Cummins and other suppliers to enable powertrain integration with its autonomous technologies. The company’s technology is Level 4 autonomous, according to TuSimple, which means that its trucks do not require intervention from a driver while all of its features are engaged, according to SAE International’s J3016TM Levels of Driving Automation standards.

Tusimple has achieved Level 4 autonomous, which means that no human driver intervention is necessary while all of its features are engaged.

Source : www.chinatrucks.com

Editor : Sarah

Views : 4566

Tags : TuSimple Road Test Driverless Trucks

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