30 Units Beiben 2638SZ Heavy-duty Trucks Delivered to Mongolia for Operation

March 02,2020

On February 27, 30 units Beiben 2638SZ heavy-duty trucks were officially delivered to Mongolia for operation. According to Beiben, all the vehicles will be used for coal transportation. In addition, the remaining order of 270 units Beiben heavy-duty trucks will also be delivered to their customer this year.
30 Units Beiben 2638SZ Heavy-duty Trucks Delivered to Mongolia for Operation

Beiben attaches paramount importance to strengthening its presence in the Mongolian market. By actively working with its customers and making in-depth investigations of the local market, the company aims to bring more returns to its overseas customers.

Currently, Beiben 2638SZ heavy-duty truck enjoys a fast rising popularity in Mongolia. The company will roll out a series of measures to strengthen its overall competitiveness in the country this year.

Source : www.chinatrucks.com

Editor : Mark

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Tags : Beiben

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