JMC Debuts Autonomous Driving Delivery Vehicle at WIC

May 21,2018

The 2nd World Intelligence Congress (WIC) was held from May 16 to 18 in Tianjin, China, under the theme of “the age of Intelligence: new progress, new Trends, new efforts”. The congress focuses on new development and policies in AI and gathers participant including firms like JMC, Baidu, together with Alibaba, and Microsoft.
JMC Debuts Autonomous Driving Delivery Vehicle at WIC

At the World Intelligence Congress, JMC introduced an autonomous driving delivery vehicle. The vehicle is capable of travelling under remote control and performing all driving functions like lane tracking system, Stop&Go Cruise Control System, Autonomous lane changing, autonomous overtaking control, intersection deceleration and stop on closed or half-closed road under certain conditions.

Autonomous driving follows the latest trend in the development of delivery vehicle and sees more potential possibility than passenger car. Under such a favorable condition, JMC will take the opportunity to speed up the industrialization of CV autonomous driving. (

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